Monthly Archives: February 2013

Excellent load test data never occurs by accident

I had the great pleasure to spend the first part of the week working with Bruce Lane of Precision Measurements, pushing really hard on the ground and measuring really carefully. I was in Portland, Oregon validating a simple but innovative ground improvement design before greenlighting production installation.

The project is a classic Pearl District apartment building, 5 stories of wood-framed residential over 1.5 levels of concrete basement. Soils at the site are pretty soft, but good dense gravel is available shallow enough that driving piles seemed excessive.  Working with DeWitt Construction, Atlas Geotechnical designed a system of low-strength concrete shafts that improved the bearing capacity enough to support the building on footings instead of costly piles.

Engineering, especially innovative engineering, is all about getting the details right.  All of the details, not just to obvious or convenient ones.  Bruce is an indispensable part of confirming that the concrete shafts behave the way that we predicted in the design.

100-ton cylinder and 8 dial gauges

Bruce is one of those rare individuals capable of performing very sensitive work very accurately away from a controlled laboratory setting. This set of skills is slightly more common where we practice, in the heavy infrastructure industry, but is by no means common. You know you are working with professionals committed to quality when they tell you about how they stripped and waxed their hydraulic cylinders because the paint was always chipped and looked shabby in the report photographs.  Of course the data needed to be complete and correct, and standard procedures rigorously followed, but taking the time to polish the equipment for photos indicates a commitment to excellence that seemed very familiar to us here at Atlas.

Bruce has the skill, experience, equipment, and patience to get the kind of high-quality data that instills confidence in a design, allowing safety factors to stay in the acceptable range and construction to proceed apace. And if you ever do have an unexpected result, Bruce can identify the cause while it’s developing, often modifying the test procedure to collect insightful measurements, so you know where to focus your attention when revising the design. This is a crucial aspect of the “Observational Method” that forms the backbone of Atlas Geotechnical’s expertise, and in fact is one of the most difficult to obtain.

We had great success with the validation program, demonstrating the necessary strength and stiffness while also seeing real failures that demonstrate we didn’t have excessive conservatism in our design. We even had a failure, but of a reaction element and not the test element itself, that Bruce caught before the reaction frame became unstable and dangerous.  Working with Bruce, the DeWitt Crew, and really everyone on The Parker project made for two excellent days of work, and having bright sunshine in February, good friends extending hospitality, and really excellent beer after work made the trip an overall brilliant experience.



I really do work with the best crew in the world.

The most recent reminder is the note I got this afternoon from Peter Jacke at Cooper Testing.  Along with notifying me that my results had been posted (ahead of schedule), he wanted to be sure I knew that there were three specific gravity tests that he had assigned on his own initiative and for which I would not be charged.

The tests were necessary, in Peter’s judgment, because some falling head hydraulic conductivity tests were returning low saturation values and the most logical explanation was that the soils from our Maui site were heavier than typical tropical soils. For those of you keeping score at home, the results were 3.05 to 3.09, 15% higher than the typically assumed value.

The point here is not that Peter ran extra tests for free.  The point is that Peter and his crew at the lab saw results that didn’t seem right and took unilateral initiative to satisfy themselves that they were delivering results consistent with the quality standards we all expect from Cooper Labs. Their in-house quality checks raised an issue, they resolved it quantitatively to their own satisfaction (upon which I rely), and they sent along the results just in case I could find another use for them.

What a great object lesson for all of us, especially those of us who aspire to the same reputation for quality that Cooper has earned over the past decades.  Quality comes standard on every project, and when you need to do a little work to assure that you’re delivering quality, you do the work without expectation. This is how you earn long term customer loyalty and repeat business, everyone.

Well done, Peter. Thank you.